Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aaugh!! $57.90 to fill the gas tank...

Goodness, yesterday I went to fill up my car and it cost $57.90. Aaugh!!! and I don't even have a big car...just a sedan. I can't IMAGINE what people are doing if they have trucks, motor homes or boats to fill up for upcoming family summer vacation trips :(

I find myself in complete despair to pass over the things I love and adore having for what ... gas!!! WHAT A TRAVESTY

The now famous "shop girl" is out this week so I wondered over to The Gift Shop to find out the latest. Such a relief to chat with customers, volunteers and staff who are in the same boat. The rising cost of food and gas prices is definitively the current topic of conversation.

Well as always thou...nature takes it course...and when in a Gift Shop, what do I do ... SHOP :) Kinda like "When in Rome..." Well it was nice to see that customers were still buying...but buying smartly. As I visited with several, their choice of merchandise was universal. Something that they could use for many uses...such as:

  • A flashy summer colored watch

  • A pair of knock out (but yet comfortable) sandals

  • And a flirty, colorful scarf that can worn around a summer hat !

    • Each priced around a friendly $20 price tag.

      So in the end, I've had to have a little chat with myself..and even thou I DON'T like the prices I see at the gas pump or at the grocery store...I not going to miss out on my summer fun. Instead, I will squeeze my pennies by:

      Group all my errands together

      Grow a garden

      Eat at home

      And shop for smart merchandise that makes a fashion splash, but not a splash on my checkbook!!

      Share with us your summer saving tips!!! We would LOVE to of your summertime adventures and treasure hunts.

      "shop girl is on vacation"

      Simply signed ~marci

      Saturday, April 16, 2011

      Turquoise Pillow

      Looking out at the sumptuous green lawn sprinkled with our four fat hens. The grass is particularly green since we are having our usual spring rain. The pillows I left out are drenched, of course, but I don't care; that is the beauty of living in Yakima! The sun will be out and the pillows will be attractively arranged on the clothesline or propped up on a bench to dry later today. I try not to have favorites, but there is that darn turquoise pillow that was $2 at a garage sale and it is just the main stage, show off and brightest thing! It totally contrasts with the green grass! Then, there is the chartreuse pot I found in Michigan and the whole thing is just too good to be true. The lilacs are seriously budding, neighbor Pegs' forsythia is billowing down from a huge evergreen and the filbert has curlicue branches and tiny bright green leaves. Brilliant morning sunlight captures a scene straight from a child's story book. Because it is still early our two year old cats, brothers Mickey and Bear are chasing and wrestling in the yard and on our stairs. They will be napping the rest of the day curled up together on our bed and I plan to join them for a short nap.
      Ahh, spring...thank you...