Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Come As You Are

As I prepare to write another article for Yakima Magazine I daydream a lot about the perfect evening filled with good friends, great food and fabulous music. When planning a casual get together there are some basic guidelines that will make your party flow smoothly. Since I love to entertain but have to budget carefully and work full time, I need to plan ahead. Grab your favorite pen, find some alone time and start the menu first. Entertaining always revolves around food. It's great to have a pot luck, of course, but sometimes it's nice to say,"don't bring a thing! I want to spoil you". You will be adored for this, no, worshiped hits closer to home. Most of my entertaining style has been influenced by my best friend, Mary Jean. She and her husband Bruce will actually have a pie in the oven when you walk in the door. It's always homemade and smells divine. There is always vanilla ice cream that is good quality. I've had halibut and salmon in their home that melts in your mouth. They would never serve farm raised fish either. They aren't snobs, they just want the best quality. I actually fall asleep at their house feeling like, gee, I feel so loved! When they visit us I want them to have the same experience. So, the bar is set pretty high. Time to get the cook books out and get on line! Once you've nailed the menu it's time to plan your table setting and think about the music you want to have in the background. We recently had a nice compliment from a friend who has the best music at his parties. We were sitting around after a huge 4th of July rib feast and things were winding down and I overheard him tell Stephen, my husband, (who, by the way doesn't know where our music comes from) that these are some pretty great blues tunes you have. I was secretly thrilled...

So, let's review: plan ahead, good quality food, spoil your guests a little, and have great background music. (I will just say this once..Please NO scented candles. They interfere with the taste of food and fragrances can be rather overwhelming to many people too kind to complain.) Unscented candles are classy and battery operated candles are not tacky!

You should know that most grocery stores have a wine expert on hand who will assist you with your wine purchase. They are hard working folk that will help you find something great in your budget. Do not be intimidated! You are in a grocery store for heavens sake, not a 5 star restaurant. Of course, this is a moot point if you are planning a margarita swilling and pinata bashing type of affair. And if you are I hope I'm on your invite list! I'll bring the limes and salt!

So, if you are coming over to our house there will always be a "come as you are" rule. We want you to be as comfortable and happy as possible!!

Look for the "Style Freak" column in the September issue of Yakima Magazine where Shop Girl has a back yard intimate dinner party with all the fixin's!