Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Cat on the Lap

or on the bed

or chairs..

written by:  SHOP GIRL

Home sick with 4 cats sprawled on the bed with me. Didn’t they just sleep with us all night long?  Didn’t they wake me up at 4:30 AM for breakfast?  There is no escape. The only perfect nights’ sleep is at someone else’s house or a hotel. We have a guest room, but if I go in there they will take turns throwing themselves at the door and yowling like they were hit by a car.

It is starting to snow so I am stuck.  They are prima donnas and will go outside only if forced in this weather.  They were so adorable when they were kittens.  They loved the snow.

I was thinking about over night guests and all the little things I like to do to make their stay more pleasant.

Dark curtains, fresh bedding, a little bouquet, a silent prayer that the dogs next door won’t bark and my cats won’t throw themselves at the guest room door. I want to move to the country and have a little farm for the supposed quiet but have several worries--

#1.  still work and can’t drive in the dark for long distances.

#2. nearby farmers will have lots of barking dogs.

#3.  pesticides from farmer will send us to an early grave.

#4  still working and might actually have to work harder with a little farm.

#5 the cats will get a: sprayed by skunks. b:  killed from farmers dogs. c:  go to an early grave from farmers pesticides.   

We have the greatest new friend who has the nicest dog, Daisy.  A hearty, friendly pooch with no issues.  Our new friend’s children are delightful too.  Her thirteen yr. old son comes along with Daisy and if we need some adult conversation we give this young man some headphones, a bowl of popcorn, and let him watch Netflix.   The headphones were my idea since what I dislike even more than the sound of  barking dogs, is the constant drone of  machine guns shooting or swords clashing.

I really love all animals and recently discovered that they can love you too (maybe a little too much).  I was relaxing on the love seat eating popcorn with Blackie, our  miniature schnauzer grand dog who was visiting from Tacoma, when suddenly after a heartfelt tummy rub he had my arm and shoulder area in a vice like grip!   Once I removed his long talons (previously viewed as cute paws); one of the super smart daughters in law informed me that all dogs are opportunists!  I will never feel the same way about Blackie, but will console myself with a bowl of popcorn, Netflix and my cats, who love me just the right amount.

SHOP GIRL SUGGESTION:   a bowl of popcorn with the most amazing seasoning in the world, from Urban Accents available in the Gift Shop at Memorial Hospital!!!