Monday, December 12, 2011


If you love what you do you may have a look of determination and intention on your face.
But there is something else. Someone is completely engaged and you see it. It is difficult to describe, but they are exactly where they should be at that exact moment in time. For them there is no time.
Work and play, play and work are the same act if you give in to it effortlessly.
Everyday a delight, a challenge, a surprise, with frustrating teeth gnashing too.

When you love what you do, if only you are patient and have practiced that, then you know it will come.
Feeling that you have created something special is just about the most perfect expression of  happiness you can attain.
The process is murky at times and fraught with heart burn and impatience, but then there is that glimmer of light.
And, guess what? It may only be special to you!
This dog has a job to do and he loves every moment. He is “in the moment”. I have felt that way. Joy is the word that describes that moment, that feeling. You are overwhelmed with joy.
Have you ever looked at a dogs face, really looked at him and seen the sheer joy and thrill of running at top speed?
That’s the look I’m going for.
I’m going for the JOY. I hope you will too.

Dear Reader,

Celebrate the season.  Let your family and  friends know how much JOY they bring you!