Friday, July 9, 2010

Memorial Hospital Gift Shop & MOM


Shopgirl loves to set the mood and atmosphere when she entertains. I sometimes just want to entertain myself though, also. I like my "sanctuary" to feel goooood. Depending on the mood that can mean alot of things...

But, for guests; I like to set the "stage" so company feels special and leave with an experience of warmth and friendship.

Here's the Gift Shop at Memorials' contemporay faux grass mat with a big RELAX. This reminds me to slow down! But no! I want to show it off! AND my new Flip Flops too! (Every summer we order 100's of these!) So, I plan a small get together. I have to admit that sometimes it never makes it pass the planning stage. But all is well. Eventually my decor will have it's debut!

Next Friday, July 16th; Memorial Hospital will feature their MOM in the cafe courtyard. MOM stands for "memorial outdoor market". It's our very own Farmers Market and Craft show.

It's a great and fabulous way to take a breather from work, eat some great food and look at the wares. (Can you believe a hopital does this for staff, volunteers and visitors?)

The Gift shop is going to feature new designs in flip flops! Imagine swimming in piles of brand spanking new Flips! That will be me, Shopgirl!

You will not want to miss this opportunity for a little R&R and shopping! 10:00am to 2:00pm.

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