Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Well, Christmas will be here before you know it. I was shopping last weekend to complete a visual story for Yakima Magazine due out in November and came across some great items. Most stores have dedicated areas nowadays for Halloween/Harvest & the beginnings of Christmas displays. Since most women work full time and are responsible for the bulk of the Christmas shopping and decorating it makes sense to get started earlier than the "GOOD OL' DAYS". (which weren't any easier for women either).

So, to give everyone a break at Memorial, take a look in classroom C on Thurs. the 7th. There is a "holiday preview" from 2-4pm. It will be FESTIVE!! You will be surprised and delighted by the fun offerings the Gift Shop has this year. A lot of thought and planning go into the themes and decorations! There will also be some yummy food treats, holiday music and your hosts Shopgirl and Donna! And a drawing for a very cool gift basket!!!

Here's a snap shot I took last weekend to send to Yakima Magazine. Your very own Shopgirl is working with the Herald again, this time for a Nov. issue.

See you Thursday!!!!!

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