Thursday, November 18, 2010

No work is as IMPORTANT as the work you do to give back!

Every year Memorial's Auxiliary holds it's annual Gift Shop allocations meeting...and today was the day :) Gathered together were representatives from every hospital Guild. Guilds who have been in existence since the beginning of Memorial Hospital (1950) Yakima's only community hospital.

These wonderfully devoted community members gather together and discuss important and vital health care programs. They carefully allocate Hospital Gift Shop proceeds to support meaningful programs that enhance Yakima's healthcare environment.

Allocations were made to the following programs:
  • Children's Village Capital Campaign
  • Cottage in the Meadow Capital Campaign
  • Friends of Seniors
  • Tiny Tim
  • Nursing Scholarships
  • Healthcare Scholarships
No work is as important as the work you do to give back!!

Thank you to our Guild members who are devoted to supporting quality healthcare in Yakima!!
And lastly...Thank you to our loyal Memorial Gift Shop customers who shop, enjoy and truly delight in the treasures that they find. You make doing good work fun and easy :)

Happy Holidays

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

think pink!

There is something about the color pink at this time of year...I can't put my finger on it, but it calms me yet has an energizing quality to it.

Maybe it's because we are inundated with Christmas, Thanksgiving, travel arrangements over the holidays and stressing about adding a holiday party to our already over packed days.

Whatever your to do list has on it add this...Killian Korn Peppermint popcorn. It is the perfect combination of salt and sweet and popcorn rolled in the softest pink powdered sugar ever!

You might be tempted to create a whole theme around it like I did in the Gift Shop yesterday..."Party Girl". Party girl will probably have some nice french champagne to go along with it! No plastic cups for her either.. Ugh!

One bag will only set you back $5.95! And it is the perfect gift for your "girlie girl" friends. You know, the ones who wear too many accessories like me "Shop Girl"!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Shop Girl gets published in Nov/Dec issue of Yakima Magazine! Her great husband, Stephen created this poster !

Several items in the article are from the Gift Shop! We have the product now but not for long...

"Shop for a cause"!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yakima Magazine meets Memorial's Shop Girl

Yakima Magazine hits the newsstands Friday Nov 5th. Our very own and lovely "Shop Girl" will be featured in this months holiday entertaining edition.
Highlighted are several of Pam's trendy but yet value driven decorating tips and tricks that will delight and inspire you!
SPECIAL OFFER: Pick up a copy on Friday (11/5) and bring it into The Gift Shop at Memorial. Mention this post and receive 40% off of one gift shop item.