Friday, February 18, 2011

There is always something new at the Gift Shop; especially this time of year. New fashions, jewelry, books, home decor and the latest up to date trends. This is because Shop Girl pours over fashion and home decor magazines, reads like a fiend, cruises the web and shops for display ideas (and plain good ol' fashion down and dirty shoppin'). And I try to listen to what the majority of the customers are asking for. Already several of you have asked when the blingy flip flops are going to come back!!! WHOA!! It's still winter, but I know how it is....I hear the birds chirping and see the buds on my trees too and am even thinking of getting a pedicure.

Meanwhile, this is a good time to get the house in order so that when the really great weather gets here we will be ready to flash our new flip flops and pedis!!!

Here's a little peak at our "wow" table..That's the display that you see the second you step over the thresh hold of the Gift Shop! It's all about how cool Aqua and Browns look sooo yummy together. I like it in apparel and home decor. It has that cool, sophisticated yet inviting and warm appeal that gets me looking all over the house for odds and ends. Shop Girl likes to "tweak" the house look ALOT!!!! (not to mention the wardrobe).

Hope to see you in the shop! Don't be shy to talk to me about your home decor looks either!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

teen model

Once in a while you stumble upon a beautiful spirit...Jessica Latimer is such a spirit. Talented, smart and extremely gracious, she reminds me to "relax".. She has the laid back quality reminiscent of a surfer dude, but don't be fooled, this lady has her act together and even plays violin for the youth symphony.
Shop Girl has invited her to 2 events to share her charming talents and gifts. I haven't been disappointed.
Uniquely suited for the Gift Shop, we will be sad to goodbye when she graduates and heads off to college. I know we haven't seen or heard the last of this brilliant star.
Thank you Jessica for making Shop Girl's job so blessedly easy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well, another sunny day in Yakima and where do I find myself? In the beautiful White House Cafe! My gracious host, Sherry, allowed me to bring in several gift items to get ready for the week long event. (Feb.7th through the 14th) Shop Girl lives to decorate, eat and talk, not necessarily in that order either....But I could hardly wait to create a little French toiletry section on her lovely, white wood display piece. Sherry also has a very cool ancient metal and glass trolley from a hospital that I couldn't wait to call my own for display, if only for a that was cleared for me and I went to work on that too!

I stashed the clothes upstairs in one of her dreamy B & B bedrooms ----until the fashion show on the 9th--- and had to control myself not to lie down on the poofy, downy bed. I started day dreaming about cooing doves and spring time while my hubby lugged the heavy clothes rack upstairs. Yes, he is a treasure and many have said that he spoils me...

All the while, there were the most delicious fragrances coming from the kitchen and the last of the luncheon guests were contentedly filing out the door. My overall feeling was that this eatery is a Yakima treasure. Thank you Sherry for having the foresight to create this lovely oasis in town in such a charming house! Shop Girl loves it!!