Friday, January 21, 2011

White House Cafe

Ater Christmas is over I crave the color white in any shade or palette. My eyes are tired, my body is tired and after all that red and green (and in my case turquoise) my house feels tired too...I put it all away and grab all my soft whites and redecorate.

I want to clean everything and the thought of where to begin even tires me out.
But after spending time at the White House Cafe and B&B with the owner, Sherry, well, I feel super energized! (Did she spike that ice water w/ vitamins?). Her whole restaurant is blessed in every shade of white--walls, mantle, doors and accessories.
This local treasure is set on a hill with a view of distant foothills and is right across the street from Chidren's Village.
Imagine my delight when she agreed to partner with the Gift Shop and "Shop Girl" to raise awareness of our Children's Village expansion. The week before and including Valentines Day (7th through the 14th), Sherry will be hosting "Share Your Heart" luncheons. She has created a special menu with a portion of the proceeds going to our beloved Children's Village. I will festoon her shop in the most fabulous collection of gifts, home decor and accessories!

To find out more go to: here is a still-life photo I took to celebrate my new calming "white phase".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This sweet top comes in the prettiest colors. $34.95/ I think it would look great with a skinny, longsleeved shirt underneath with jeans and boots for winter. I grabbed our model Jessica and had her throw it on for a quick pic. I hope you can see the pretty rosettes with the raggety edging (very bohemian chic meets hollywood starlet). You just have to come in and see the display and the fab new jewelry that arrived today. Product is really starting to show up again! Oh, and new scarves came in today...

I love new product and can hardly wait for the delivery guy to show up....

So,,,ShopGirl signing off. I need my beauty sleep!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sweet Rachael in vintage apron!

Okay! this would make Betty Crocker jealous! Here is our teen volunteer, Rachael modelling the new, vintage reproduction apron. $29.95 I love an apron with pockets. I love all aprons! Hubby says, no more aprons for Shop girl! But I have short term memory issues and love to wear them. Florence Lockhoff, my German- French Grandmother always wore one. They keep your clothes clean, they add an extra layer of warmth, and when I'm in the garden; I can place the snipped herbs in the pocket. They just arrived on Monday and are right next to the Owl Cookie Jar.!!

PS: Grandmother was a farmer wife who lived in Jerseytown PA. She baked, churned and gardened for her family of 6. She was strong, steadfast, and all about the home! She is the center of all my favorite childhood memories.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

wise OWL cookie jar

Phew!!! Shop Girl made it through another Christmas. For me, that means keeping the shop looking really sparkly and inviting.
OKAY! So what is new in the shop and what are my new inspirations? Well, I can tell you that turquoise is my favorite color. Aqua, powder blue and what I like to call "old truck blue". The best thing about turquoise is that it is opposite on the color wheel to orange so they're "complementary" colors. To prove it, check out this wise OWL cookie Jar and matching salt and peppers. Are they not stunning and cheerful?! When you drag yourself from bed for that first cup o joe wouldn't his face start your day with a giggle? There are several items in the display that are fun, functional and the perfect shades of blue and turquoise with hits of orange and yellow!
This week the "WOW table" gets a re-do.(that's our display just as you walk in the front door). Since it's the New Year we need to celebrate! I'm not sure how it will end up but I'm aiming for CONTRAST!!!
Come by and say hi and see the new displays I've been working on!