Monday, December 12, 2011


If you love what you do you may have a look of determination and intention on your face.
But there is something else. Someone is completely engaged and you see it. It is difficult to describe, but they are exactly where they should be at that exact moment in time. For them there is no time.
Work and play, play and work are the same act if you give in to it effortlessly.
Everyday a delight, a challenge, a surprise, with frustrating teeth gnashing too.

When you love what you do, if only you are patient and have practiced that, then you know it will come.
Feeling that you have created something special is just about the most perfect expression of  happiness you can attain.
The process is murky at times and fraught with heart burn and impatience, but then there is that glimmer of light.
And, guess what? It may only be special to you!
This dog has a job to do and he loves every moment. He is “in the moment”. I have felt that way. Joy is the word that describes that moment, that feeling. You are overwhelmed with joy.
Have you ever looked at a dogs face, really looked at him and seen the sheer joy and thrill of running at top speed?
That’s the look I’m going for.
I’m going for the JOY. I hope you will too.

Dear Reader,

Celebrate the season.  Let your family and  friends know how much JOY they bring you!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Cat on the Lap

or on the bed

or chairs..

written by:  SHOP GIRL

Home sick with 4 cats sprawled on the bed with me. Didn’t they just sleep with us all night long?  Didn’t they wake me up at 4:30 AM for breakfast?  There is no escape. The only perfect nights’ sleep is at someone else’s house or a hotel. We have a guest room, but if I go in there they will take turns throwing themselves at the door and yowling like they were hit by a car.

It is starting to snow so I am stuck.  They are prima donnas and will go outside only if forced in this weather.  They were so adorable when they were kittens.  They loved the snow.

I was thinking about over night guests and all the little things I like to do to make their stay more pleasant.

Dark curtains, fresh bedding, a little bouquet, a silent prayer that the dogs next door won’t bark and my cats won’t throw themselves at the guest room door. I want to move to the country and have a little farm for the supposed quiet but have several worries--

#1.  still work and can’t drive in the dark for long distances.

#2. nearby farmers will have lots of barking dogs.

#3.  pesticides from farmer will send us to an early grave.

#4  still working and might actually have to work harder with a little farm.

#5 the cats will get a: sprayed by skunks. b:  killed from farmers dogs. c:  go to an early grave from farmers pesticides.   

We have the greatest new friend who has the nicest dog, Daisy.  A hearty, friendly pooch with no issues.  Our new friend’s children are delightful too.  Her thirteen yr. old son comes along with Daisy and if we need some adult conversation we give this young man some headphones, a bowl of popcorn, and let him watch Netflix.   The headphones were my idea since what I dislike even more than the sound of  barking dogs, is the constant drone of  machine guns shooting or swords clashing.

I really love all animals and recently discovered that they can love you too (maybe a little too much).  I was relaxing on the love seat eating popcorn with Blackie, our  miniature schnauzer grand dog who was visiting from Tacoma, when suddenly after a heartfelt tummy rub he had my arm and shoulder area in a vice like grip!   Once I removed his long talons (previously viewed as cute paws); one of the super smart daughters in law informed me that all dogs are opportunists!  I will never feel the same way about Blackie, but will console myself with a bowl of popcorn, Netflix and my cats, who love me just the right amount.

SHOP GIRL SUGGESTION:   a bowl of popcorn with the most amazing seasoning in the world, from Urban Accents available in the Gift Shop at Memorial Hospital!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


After coffee, Stephen gave Shop Girl a lesson on his fancy camera. I learned a new term, Aperture Priority. It’s good to learn new things, but even better to write them down...

As the skies cleared we thought a trip to the farmers market was in order. I love to look at all the food and colors and people with their dogs.
This lovely gentleman didn’t speak much English, but he obviously loved his elderly little lady in her pink blanket. When he granted us permission to take their photo, I thought to myself, this man has a huge heart. Those Chihuahuas are always shivering and when I use to dog sit Isabelle, another Chihuahua, I would keep her snuggled up and close to me too. For me, there is something very comforting about taking care of another of earth’s creatures.

If you need a goat cheese fix, it’s a great idea to stop by the Blue Barn Farm booth for samples and a chat. The owners, Tracie and Jamie are very engaging and friendly. Their farm is in beautiful Zillah. I really appreciate all the photos they have of the goats. They will tell you about the mother goats teaching the youngsters how to open the gates. The Nubian goats that they have are noisy and curious creatures. Plus, they have those floppy, velvety ears that I adore!!

Our last visit before inhaling giant rolls of asagio cheese and scallions from the local French bakery, was, Selah Ridge Lavender farm. The products that Adele makes in her very own kitchen are natural and pure. So pure, in fact, I use the body lotion on my face. The fragrance is delicate, the texture rich and I’m flat out addicted to her lavender soap.

Well, another Sunday frittered away. I don’t know where the time goes but it was a glorious fall day. I suppose it could have been more glorious had I ridden in a goat drawn pumpkin coach whilst snuggling a lavender scented Chihuahua.
But, I’ll stack my rumpled Sunday next to yours any day. See you at the next Farmers Market! Sweet Dreams from Shop Girl.

PS, You can purchase the Selah Ridge Lavender Farm products
that Adele grows and makes at the Memorial Hospital Gift Shop!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


As we approach our Holiday Season in unseasonably warm weather we begin to muse what are own Christmas table, tree, and or decor will look like. Shop Girl, pauses to reflect...

Growing up for one half of my young life in a traditional, snowy landscape of Pennsylvania, then being transported in the shiny new company car to our new home in sunny California began a life of visual opposites. After my sister and I blinked away the ridiculous piercing sunlight reflecting off the relentless pounding of the ocean waves and the general shock faded, we donned our suits and ran across the street several times a day to jump on our inflatable rafts and ride insane waves (all unsupervised). Well, in truth there were a couple of life guards, but we only had eyes for the adventure. The ensuing wipe-outs, near drowning experiences left us exhilarated and begging for more.

Since summer never ended it wasn’t obvious to us that not only was the landscape different here but our Mother had plans for a new type of Christmas interior landscape as well. Exit the traditional green Christmas tree, enter a spiky metallic silver tree. It was scrawny, like Twiggy, and had a complementary space age electric color wheel, that slowly spun and like the lava lamp was probably meant to transport us to an episode of what...The Jetsons. My sister came unglued around this time and found all this new fangled California-mod nonsense, very unappealing and expressed her disappointment.

There was much tension around this time as I recall. There was a new job, a horrible commute, my older sister was becoming an opinionated teenager and my doting mother was becoming a California blond in a two piece. As we muddled through this new land of sun, blondes, tan skin and too much ocean I took more and more risks on the inflatable raft. It was freeing and kept my mind off 5th grade math.

Both my sister and I were rescued several times that first summer. As adults traveling back to that beach to have another nostalgic look at those dangerous times, we both saw the sign that declared this beach was extremely dangerous and was for experienced swimmers only. Our old beach even had a new name. The sign read, “Surfers Beach”. We looked into each others adult eyes with that “no wonder” look and read on to the small print warnings of rip tides and other dangerous occurrences to avoid.

These were the innocent days and distant memories of colorful metallic Christmases and unsupervised swimming. It was a time of new innovations, ideas, risks and a lack of sun screen.

It was the early 1960’s...The smog was called haze, you hardly ever locked your doors and you walked your tender self along the beach to school 5 days a week a half mile each way.

Shop Girl has no intentions of owning a color wheel. For one thing, it is a collectible now and on line auctions want a pretty penny for a shiny iconic symbol of the Kennedy years.

Memorial Hospital Gift Shop is where I get to relive a Holiday with a traditional spin, based on my favorite memories, of Lassie, Shirley Temple movies and my favorite book, Little Women. Let's close our eyes and go back to simpler times and sweet memories where a family argument was about having another, smaller shiny silver tree nestled next to the original with another color wheel...I can still see the spinning colors lighting up the exasperated expression on my sisters' face.

It is never too early to shop for Christmas Gifts and we have a bounty of items to choose from which to choose. We don’t get too serious about decorating the store until Thanksgiving.

Shop local, shop for a cause and please, no special requests for a color wheel!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shop Girl Hunts and Gathers


Two of our hens

Since the dawn of time, humankind has had to hunt and gather. The same goes with animals, including our four cats, four hens and me.

It occurred to me the other day that every time I head out to the grocery store, it’s another exercise in foraging. I must have a bright outlook because I usually find every item for which I’m looking. It wasn’t always so-- I can’t imagine what it would have been like to hunt and pick berries for survival. I also know I would if I had to.

Mystery chair

The other day while cleaning the floor under the chair where my husband tosses his clothes, I noticed one of his heavy duty shoelaces there. It is a dark and mysterious spot and as I reached in to gingerly pick it up I had a feeling of dread. Of course, since we have four cats you never know what will turn up. Well, this was a fresh kill, a sweet and very dead baby snake. It felt like rubber. I try to love all animals but snakes are a bit trickier species to love. Needless to say, the cats were just hunting and doing what comes naturally. Why or which one would feel the need to bring me a gift, I can’t fathom, but I try to be grateful yet discouraging.. I think they are catching on because whenever I see them outside being bad to their fellow creatures I step in and break up this unwanted behavior. Which leads me to believe it’s Mickey, our smallest black and white kitty who is none too bright.

Mickey, our baby

Sad to say, he thinks Cleo, the Old Lady Dowager cat is his mommy. Not the sharpest blade in the drawer, I had to watch out for him when we first rescued him because this is the kind of cat that will drown in the canal, or get trapped under an

appliance or have a door close on him. To encourage his sense of place in the family hierarchy I often pick him up, throw him over my shoulder and whisper sweet nothings about how much I love him and he’s my baby and all kinds of dithering nonsense. He still pops in the room and greets the dowager and never even peeks at me while he is supplicating himself all over her. It’s just disgusting and once the pathetic performance has ended he feels he then has permission to eat. I am the one who foraged for that darn expensive cat food, not Cleo!

Washing & drying

One of my hobbies is hunting and gathering for an item that might spark my attention. While I was in high school, I would ride my bike to the Goodwill store on the other side of town so I could pore over old books, clothes and jewelry. I often came home with the prize that my hard earned babysitting money allowed me to purchase. Once, I brought bed bug eggs home hiding in a fabulous shawl. Oh, I was sorry when my mother; who had a minimalist style to her décor, told me that the fumigator was going to be terribly expensive. Now, I always make a point to wash every second hand item I find. By the way, it’s also tricky to love a bed bug!

Our niece

Lately, my husband and I have been hunting and gathering furniture for my niece who is entering into her sophomore year at a university. She is moving into an attic bedroom and sharing a house with two other young women. We live closer than her parents and volunteered for the duty. There is nothing I love more than filling a room with furniture,art, books, pillows and bedding to make a space feel cozy. If it were cave dwelling times, I would have surely been drawing on the walls with a reserved piece of charcoal and creating designs with rocks, bones and sticks around my fluffed-up fur skin.

.....But, then, there were probably snakes and bed bugs too!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Come As You Are

As I prepare to write another article for Yakima Magazine I daydream a lot about the perfect evening filled with good friends, great food and fabulous music. When planning a casual get together there are some basic guidelines that will make your party flow smoothly. Since I love to entertain but have to budget carefully and work full time, I need to plan ahead. Grab your favorite pen, find some alone time and start the menu first. Entertaining always revolves around food. It's great to have a pot luck, of course, but sometimes it's nice to say,"don't bring a thing! I want to spoil you". You will be adored for this, no, worshiped hits closer to home. Most of my entertaining style has been influenced by my best friend, Mary Jean. She and her husband Bruce will actually have a pie in the oven when you walk in the door. It's always homemade and smells divine. There is always vanilla ice cream that is good quality. I've had halibut and salmon in their home that melts in your mouth. They would never serve farm raised fish either. They aren't snobs, they just want the best quality. I actually fall asleep at their house feeling like, gee, I feel so loved! When they visit us I want them to have the same experience. So, the bar is set pretty high. Time to get the cook books out and get on line! Once you've nailed the menu it's time to plan your table setting and think about the music you want to have in the background. We recently had a nice compliment from a friend who has the best music at his parties. We were sitting around after a huge 4th of July rib feast and things were winding down and I overheard him tell Stephen, my husband, (who, by the way doesn't know where our music comes from) that these are some pretty great blues tunes you have. I was secretly thrilled...

So, let's review: plan ahead, good quality food, spoil your guests a little, and have great background music. (I will just say this once..Please NO scented candles. They interfere with the taste of food and fragrances can be rather overwhelming to many people too kind to complain.) Unscented candles are classy and battery operated candles are not tacky!

You should know that most grocery stores have a wine expert on hand who will assist you with your wine purchase. They are hard working folk that will help you find something great in your budget. Do not be intimidated! You are in a grocery store for heavens sake, not a 5 star restaurant. Of course, this is a moot point if you are planning a margarita swilling and pinata bashing type of affair. And if you are I hope I'm on your invite list! I'll bring the limes and salt!

So, if you are coming over to our house there will always be a "come as you are" rule. We want you to be as comfortable and happy as possible!!

Look for the "Style Freak" column in the September issue of Yakima Magazine where Shop Girl has a back yard intimate dinner party with all the fixin's!

Monday, July 11, 2011

taste of summer

Shop Girl was going to write a blog about the sounds of summer; you know kids splashing in a pool, the mellow sound of a screen door slamming, tree frogs and crickets singing and chirping..but then I remembered FOOD and the delicious smells and tastes and the casual dinner parties we throw in our own back yard.
Summer is in full swing and bistro lights weave their way through the branches of our old walnut trees lighting the laughing faces of our guests. So many of these gatherings are casual and easy to prepare. The main thing is to give the guests a memorable evening. Wonderful flavors, warmth, if there is an unexpected nip in the air, hence our chiminea and new addition of an outdoor standing propane heater. The seating needs to be comfortable and conversations interesting... dress code "come as you are"...
I love planning a menu and often experiment with a new recipe. I hate anything complicated but love all the Mediterranean flavors. Extra virgin olive oil, lemons, tomatoes, thyme, capers, olives, good Parmesan (use a peeler to get those cool curls) and never skimp on the garlic, ever!
I start out every summer meal by roasting onions and peppers in olive oil in a 425 degree oven. Sometimes I throw in a few smashed garlic cloves w/ the skin still on. Salt and pepper to taste or not. There are very few rules here. Those roasted onions and peppers are usually done at the beginning of every week and sometimes frozen. They add flavor to many dishes...I like the subtle taste of fresh thyme and have a small herb garden with the basics. So, I usually throw that in if I'm accenting a roasted squash as a side dish. I roast the squash a day or 2 before. If you want your guests begging for more toss a handful of toasted almonds on the squash too. Pasta is easy and casual and always a crowd pleaser. Lately, I've been adding the most scrumptious garlic finishing oils from the Gift Shop to the pasta and tossing with basil and making those cute Parmesan curls for the topping.
The other great thing about the finishing oils is the fact that it tastes good on tons of things.
Good French bread, sliced tomatoes, even over steamed fresh green beans. For a last minuet get together you cannot go wrong with a few staples in your pantry. Good bread with dipping oil, decent Parmesan, pasta in all shapes and sizes, (I'm a linguine girl, myself) crisp romaine, a few tomatoes and lemons. If you have nuts you can toast or roast them and bring out the earthy sweetness that enhances pasta, salads and veggies.
The easiest food to prepare is meat. I'm a non meat eater but since I love to feed people I cook whatever they want. Of course roasted garlic chipotle finishing oil on your chicken or steaks will have them licking the plate. (lucky for you it's in your Gift Shop at Memorial) Well, those are a few of my trade secrets and I will be sampling the oils this Friday at the Memorial outdoor Market. Look for Big Papa and his BBQ sauce and Chow Chow too. Chow Chow is a relish that tastes good on everything (especially a sub sandwich). It hails from the south and is fun to say. Big Papa is a local and last year the customers bought 2 and 3 bottles of his BBQ sauce. I've made BBQ sauce and rubs from scratch but why bother when this staple is so easy, affordable and yummy? So, delight your friends and throw a party! If you're lucky they will bring lots and lots of wine!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Gift Shop at Memorial is pleased to ANNOUNCE...

Guest blog post is written by Marci Cates Wright, Community Development Director ~ The Memorial Foundation.

The Gift Shop at Memorial is pleased to announce upcoming discounts for Memorial's VALUED employees!!! Discount begins July 10th :)

Memorial Hospital and the Gift Shop at Memorial recently celebrated its 61st Anninversary. We have been honored to serve visitors, guests and employees since the opening of the hospital June 20, 1950. We would like to thank our valued staff by announcing a new Gift Shop discount of 10% off your entire purchase made in the store along with the new Employee Badge Pay benefit.

Badge Pay will enable Memorial staff to conviently purchase Gift Shop merchandise and Cafe meals that will be deducted from their upcoming paychecks. This benefit is offered at many hospitals accross the country for the convience of committed employees that work to serve their patients, families and community everyday!!!

Thank you for being our VALUED customers!!
We look forward to serving your needs ... while you serve the community!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Keep it Simple

I have been doing a lot of thinking about simplifying my life of late. I manage to stay extra, super busy...I have no excuses. I don't have to care for a baby, help with homework, or drive around at four a.m. delivering papers with my son anymore. I have no PTA meetings, family members that require care taking; I don't even have a dog to walk. Yet, I pile on the obligations and question my choices...Is it time to just say "no"? Am I at the age where I need to have more time to reflect? I would like to know all there is about "slowing down" and "giving permission to oneself to be selfish".

While on vacation I had a recurring fantasy about writing a book about "keeping it simple"...Someone once said that we teach that which we want to learn. It really struck a chord.

Oh, I know, does the world really need another self help book? Well, maybe, one with gentle reminders...photographs of a man with a cat curled on his lap while reading. My friend Bruce getting ready to milk a cow or a sketch of my neighbor picking berries in her yard.

Maybe I will fantasize about writing the book or start it and just add to it as time goes on then pass it down to my son.

I know I will do something about it because I know how I am. No matter how un-busy I want to be there is a part of me that just needs to reach out and share. And there lies the paradox...the human connection. I crave company and want to share ideas. I adore my super smart friends even when they exhaust me. Making contact with people seems to heal.

So, if you see me with a hammer poised over my cell phone.....please please please remind me that I won't be able to obsessively check for text messages...

And now, Shop Girl has tired herself out fantasizing about the "keep it simple" book. Maybe I just need to go outside and quietly milk a cow.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aaugh!! $57.90 to fill the gas tank...

Goodness, yesterday I went to fill up my car and it cost $57.90. Aaugh!!! and I don't even have a big car...just a sedan. I can't IMAGINE what people are doing if they have trucks, motor homes or boats to fill up for upcoming family summer vacation trips :(

I find myself in complete despair to pass over the things I love and adore having for what ... gas!!! WHAT A TRAVESTY

The now famous "shop girl" is out this week so I wondered over to The Gift Shop to find out the latest. Such a relief to chat with customers, volunteers and staff who are in the same boat. The rising cost of food and gas prices is definitively the current topic of conversation.

Well as always thou...nature takes it course...and when in a Gift Shop, what do I do ... SHOP :) Kinda like "When in Rome..." Well it was nice to see that customers were still buying...but buying smartly. As I visited with several, their choice of merchandise was universal. Something that they could use for many uses...such as:

  • A flashy summer colored watch

  • A pair of knock out (but yet comfortable) sandals

  • And a flirty, colorful scarf that can worn around a summer hat !

    • Each priced around a friendly $20 price tag.

      So in the end, I've had to have a little chat with myself..and even thou I DON'T like the prices I see at the gas pump or at the grocery store...I not going to miss out on my summer fun. Instead, I will squeeze my pennies by:

      Group all my errands together

      Grow a garden

      Eat at home

      And shop for smart merchandise that makes a fashion splash, but not a splash on my checkbook!!

      Share with us your summer saving tips!!! We would LOVE to of your summertime adventures and treasure hunts.

      "shop girl is on vacation"

      Simply signed ~marci

      Saturday, April 16, 2011

      Turquoise Pillow

      Looking out at the sumptuous green lawn sprinkled with our four fat hens. The grass is particularly green since we are having our usual spring rain. The pillows I left out are drenched, of course, but I don't care; that is the beauty of living in Yakima! The sun will be out and the pillows will be attractively arranged on the clothesline or propped up on a bench to dry later today. I try not to have favorites, but there is that darn turquoise pillow that was $2 at a garage sale and it is just the main stage, show off and brightest thing! It totally contrasts with the green grass! Then, there is the chartreuse pot I found in Michigan and the whole thing is just too good to be true. The lilacs are seriously budding, neighbor Pegs' forsythia is billowing down from a huge evergreen and the filbert has curlicue branches and tiny bright green leaves. Brilliant morning sunlight captures a scene straight from a child's story book. Because it is still early our two year old cats, brothers Mickey and Bear are chasing and wrestling in the yard and on our stairs. They will be napping the rest of the day curled up together on our bed and I plan to join them for a short nap.
      Ahh, spring...thank you...

      Thursday, March 17, 2011

      Chelsea Morning

      Picture yourself living outside of London, England in a pretty rural suburb. You look out the window and the sky is clearing. Big white puffy clouds and the telly says sunny all day! That is very good because your Gal Pals, Lisa and Donna are going antiquing with you. The chickens and goats are fed and the cat has settled into her favorite rocker. This will be a perfect day....

      You recall Joni Mitchells song "Chelsea Morning" and it is on replay in your head.

      The giant annual flea market is a short distance away and you say a silent prayer that you will have self control and only buy things that have a function! It's still new enough in the year where there is hope of living up to your resolutions...

      Friendly competition is how we describe our shopping forays. Donna is on the lookout for fabrics, Lisa is on the hunt for vintage, retro anything and I am looking for that special item that reminds me of my Joni Mitchell song..

      We separate after 15 mins. and I stumble upon a gorgeous concoction of color, print with a freshness that overwhelms my senses. The proprietor of the booth is wearing a charming apron and has lots more to sell just like it in a variety of colors. She has the best prices on thermal bags for toting my lunches to and fro my workplace/studio and the sweetest patterned travel mugs and cups that tie in with all the other patterns!!! Who is this wonderful designer and how will I ever stay true to my new years' resolution? All self control flies up into the fluffy white clouds and I remember my other mantra, "surround your self with beauty and love".

      Well, it is all functional I remind myself as I roll out my tattered wallet...

      After we part and I say farewell to my BFF's I repeat the feeding of animals and unpack my precious loot! Forget the hunger pangs it's time to re-do the cottage with some of the lovely finds from the most wonderful day!!!

      I way going to name this theme "Home Sweet Home", but of course, now it's "Chelsea Morning"!!! Come visit me in the Gift Shop and see the fantasy I get to live for my work/play days.... You won't want to miss this burst of happy color of (functional) home, gift and accessories.

      Thursday, March 10, 2011

      Blue Dresser

      The wind outside our home is causing quite a ruccus! First, the chickens feathers are blowing every which-way, then the coops' bird netting is coming undone & when Hubby tried to check on it he ran into a bucket of rain water hanging on the clothes line, tipped it and of course all the water coursed down his back. BRRRR! The good news he laughed it off...
      Shop-girl is home prepping for that "golden years" medical procedure tomorrow. No, it's not plastic surgery; it's the south of the border colonoscopy...I'm drinking the "product" and chasing it with 7up.
      Everywhere I look in the house there is a jolt of color. I just love to experiment with every color and palette, mix it up and see what happens. I recently discovered I now have too many bowls and the pop o color bowls from Anthropolgy have been relegated to the blue dresser. Well, another happy eye candy moment. Grabbed the camera, took another swig of the horrible stuff and here is the result

      Tuesday, March 1, 2011


      French farmhouse
      “French women work harder than any other nationality of women”.
      You may be saying to yourself, why, what a ridiculous statement!
      But, the author of said hilarity was a chef and he stands firm on his belief.
      French women, he believes can take the plainest tasting food and turn it into something short of miraculous.
      We are obsessed with anything French, it seems. Perhaps this is not a trend but worthy of our fascination, for whom else can have a dish called “calves face”? They must have very refined taste buds or a clear, ability to distinguish between the so-so and the endless possibilities that herbs and spices bring to flavor… And the ingenuity to create fabulous from little or nothing. Most likely the result of famine and war, poverty and scarcity.

      In honor of French women everywhere we have a compilation of gifts and home décor to delight your senses!
      Be sure to inhale the heavenly fragrance of the Pre de Provence soap and toiletry line. The factory has been in the Provence region since the 1800’s and is a personal favorite of mine. In the morning, I look forward to 2 things, my coffee and my French Lavender soap.
      Au revoir my friends! Shop Girl

      Friday, February 18, 2011

      There is always something new at the Gift Shop; especially this time of year. New fashions, jewelry, books, home decor and the latest up to date trends. This is because Shop Girl pours over fashion and home decor magazines, reads like a fiend, cruises the web and shops for display ideas (and plain good ol' fashion down and dirty shoppin'). And I try to listen to what the majority of the customers are asking for. Already several of you have asked when the blingy flip flops are going to come back!!! WHOA!! It's still winter, but I know how it is....I hear the birds chirping and see the buds on my trees too and am even thinking of getting a pedicure.

      Meanwhile, this is a good time to get the house in order so that when the really great weather gets here we will be ready to flash our new flip flops and pedis!!!

      Here's a little peak at our "wow" table..That's the display that you see the second you step over the thresh hold of the Gift Shop! It's all about how cool Aqua and Browns look sooo yummy together. I like it in apparel and home decor. It has that cool, sophisticated yet inviting and warm appeal that gets me looking all over the house for odds and ends. Shop Girl likes to "tweak" the house look ALOT!!!! (not to mention the wardrobe).

      Hope to see you in the shop! Don't be shy to talk to me about your home decor looks either!

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011

      teen model

      Once in a while you stumble upon a beautiful spirit...Jessica Latimer is such a spirit. Talented, smart and extremely gracious, she reminds me to "relax".. She has the laid back quality reminiscent of a surfer dude, but don't be fooled, this lady has her act together and even plays violin for the youth symphony.
      Shop Girl has invited her to 2 events to share her charming talents and gifts. I haven't been disappointed.
      Uniquely suited for the Gift Shop, we will be sad to goodbye when she graduates and heads off to college. I know we haven't seen or heard the last of this brilliant star.
      Thank you Jessica for making Shop Girl's job so blessedly easy!

      Tuesday, February 1, 2011

      Well, another sunny day in Yakima and where do I find myself? In the beautiful White House Cafe! My gracious host, Sherry, allowed me to bring in several gift items to get ready for the week long event. (Feb.7th through the 14th) Shop Girl lives to decorate, eat and talk, not necessarily in that order either....But I could hardly wait to create a little French toiletry section on her lovely, white wood display piece. Sherry also has a very cool ancient metal and glass trolley from a hospital that I couldn't wait to call my own for display, if only for a that was cleared for me and I went to work on that too!

      I stashed the clothes upstairs in one of her dreamy B & B bedrooms ----until the fashion show on the 9th--- and had to control myself not to lie down on the poofy, downy bed. I started day dreaming about cooing doves and spring time while my hubby lugged the heavy clothes rack upstairs. Yes, he is a treasure and many have said that he spoils me...

      All the while, there were the most delicious fragrances coming from the kitchen and the last of the luncheon guests were contentedly filing out the door. My overall feeling was that this eatery is a Yakima treasure. Thank you Sherry for having the foresight to create this lovely oasis in town in such a charming house! Shop Girl loves it!!

      Friday, January 21, 2011

      White House Cafe

      Ater Christmas is over I crave the color white in any shade or palette. My eyes are tired, my body is tired and after all that red and green (and in my case turquoise) my house feels tired too...I put it all away and grab all my soft whites and redecorate.

      I want to clean everything and the thought of where to begin even tires me out.
      But after spending time at the White House Cafe and B&B with the owner, Sherry, well, I feel super energized! (Did she spike that ice water w/ vitamins?). Her whole restaurant is blessed in every shade of white--walls, mantle, doors and accessories.
      This local treasure is set on a hill with a view of distant foothills and is right across the street from Chidren's Village.
      Imagine my delight when she agreed to partner with the Gift Shop and "Shop Girl" to raise awareness of our Children's Village expansion. The week before and including Valentines Day (7th through the 14th), Sherry will be hosting "Share Your Heart" luncheons. She has created a special menu with a portion of the proceeds going to our beloved Children's Village. I will festoon her shop in the most fabulous collection of gifts, home decor and accessories!

      To find out more go to: here is a still-life photo I took to celebrate my new calming "white phase".

      Wednesday, January 12, 2011

      This sweet top comes in the prettiest colors. $34.95/ I think it would look great with a skinny, longsleeved shirt underneath with jeans and boots for winter. I grabbed our model Jessica and had her throw it on for a quick pic. I hope you can see the pretty rosettes with the raggety edging (very bohemian chic meets hollywood starlet). You just have to come in and see the display and the fab new jewelry that arrived today. Product is really starting to show up again! Oh, and new scarves came in today...

      I love new product and can hardly wait for the delivery guy to show up....

      So,,,ShopGirl signing off. I need my beauty sleep!!!

      Wednesday, January 5, 2011

      Sweet Rachael in vintage apron!

      Okay! this would make Betty Crocker jealous! Here is our teen volunteer, Rachael modelling the new, vintage reproduction apron. $29.95 I love an apron with pockets. I love all aprons! Hubby says, no more aprons for Shop girl! But I have short term memory issues and love to wear them. Florence Lockhoff, my German- French Grandmother always wore one. They keep your clothes clean, they add an extra layer of warmth, and when I'm in the garden; I can place the snipped herbs in the pocket. They just arrived on Monday and are right next to the Owl Cookie Jar.!!

      PS: Grandmother was a farmer wife who lived in Jerseytown PA. She baked, churned and gardened for her family of 6. She was strong, steadfast, and all about the home! She is the center of all my favorite childhood memories.

      Sunday, January 2, 2011

      wise OWL cookie jar

      Phew!!! Shop Girl made it through another Christmas. For me, that means keeping the shop looking really sparkly and inviting.
      OKAY! So what is new in the shop and what are my new inspirations? Well, I can tell you that turquoise is my favorite color. Aqua, powder blue and what I like to call "old truck blue". The best thing about turquoise is that it is opposite on the color wheel to orange so they're "complementary" colors. To prove it, check out this wise OWL cookie Jar and matching salt and peppers. Are they not stunning and cheerful?! When you drag yourself from bed for that first cup o joe wouldn't his face start your day with a giggle? There are several items in the display that are fun, functional and the perfect shades of blue and turquoise with hits of orange and yellow!
      This week the "WOW table" gets a re-do.(that's our display just as you walk in the front door). Since it's the New Year we need to celebrate! I'm not sure how it will end up but I'm aiming for CONTRAST!!!
      Come by and say hi and see the new displays I've been working on!