Thursday, November 18, 2010

No work is as IMPORTANT as the work you do to give back!

Every year Memorial's Auxiliary holds it's annual Gift Shop allocations meeting...and today was the day :) Gathered together were representatives from every hospital Guild. Guilds who have been in existence since the beginning of Memorial Hospital (1950) Yakima's only community hospital.

These wonderfully devoted community members gather together and discuss important and vital health care programs. They carefully allocate Hospital Gift Shop proceeds to support meaningful programs that enhance Yakima's healthcare environment.

Allocations were made to the following programs:
  • Children's Village Capital Campaign
  • Cottage in the Meadow Capital Campaign
  • Friends of Seniors
  • Tiny Tim
  • Nursing Scholarships
  • Healthcare Scholarships
No work is as important as the work you do to give back!!

Thank you to our Guild members who are devoted to supporting quality healthcare in Yakima!!
And lastly...Thank you to our loyal Memorial Gift Shop customers who shop, enjoy and truly delight in the treasures that they find. You make doing good work fun and easy :)

Happy Holidays

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

think pink!

There is something about the color pink at this time of year...I can't put my finger on it, but it calms me yet has an energizing quality to it.

Maybe it's because we are inundated with Christmas, Thanksgiving, travel arrangements over the holidays and stressing about adding a holiday party to our already over packed days.

Whatever your to do list has on it add this...Killian Korn Peppermint popcorn. It is the perfect combination of salt and sweet and popcorn rolled in the softest pink powdered sugar ever!

You might be tempted to create a whole theme around it like I did in the Gift Shop yesterday..."Party Girl". Party girl will probably have some nice french champagne to go along with it! No plastic cups for her either.. Ugh!

One bag will only set you back $5.95! And it is the perfect gift for your "girlie girl" friends. You know, the ones who wear too many accessories like me "Shop Girl"!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Shop Girl gets published in Nov/Dec issue of Yakima Magazine! Her great husband, Stephen created this poster !

Several items in the article are from the Gift Shop! We have the product now but not for long...

"Shop for a cause"!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yakima Magazine meets Memorial's Shop Girl

Yakima Magazine hits the newsstands Friday Nov 5th. Our very own and lovely "Shop Girl" will be featured in this months holiday entertaining edition.
Highlighted are several of Pam's trendy but yet value driven decorating tips and tricks that will delight and inspire you!
SPECIAL OFFER: Pick up a copy on Friday (11/5) and bring it into The Gift Shop at Memorial. Mention this post and receive 40% off of one gift shop item.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Well, Christmas will be here before you know it. I was shopping last weekend to complete a visual story for Yakima Magazine due out in November and came across some great items. Most stores have dedicated areas nowadays for Halloween/Harvest & the beginnings of Christmas displays. Since most women work full time and are responsible for the bulk of the Christmas shopping and decorating it makes sense to get started earlier than the "GOOD OL' DAYS". (which weren't any easier for women either).

So, to give everyone a break at Memorial, take a look in classroom C on Thurs. the 7th. There is a "holiday preview" from 2-4pm. It will be FESTIVE!! You will be surprised and delighted by the fun offerings the Gift Shop has this year. A lot of thought and planning go into the themes and decorations! There will also be some yummy food treats, holiday music and your hosts Shopgirl and Donna! And a drawing for a very cool gift basket!!!

Here's a snap shot I took last weekend to send to Yakima Magazine. Your very own Shopgirl is working with the Herald again, this time for a Nov. issue.

See you Thursday!!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Here is Millie, one of the many wonderful volunteers at the Gift Shop modelling some of our fab new items. She, like all the volunteers submit to my fantasy that we are a boutique in a very posh neighborhood.
Thank you Millie! You rock! FYI, Millie keeps her fabulous shape by walking A LOT and has a personal trainer too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here is Jessica modelling some of the fabulous new items in the Gift Shop! She is a fresh young take on style. It is so much fun working with her and learning what her interests are and especially how she puts together her wardrobe. She is always dressed so perfectly!

I have been absent from this page since the herald photo shoot and then the visiting of many friends and relatives. Summers are always a little crazy since we moved to Yakima. Who wouldn't want to escape the grey and rainy Seattle summer? ick! I am so glad I'm here now!

Tomorrow, Friday the 10th, the article in the Yakima Herald is coming out about my cottage. I can hardly wait. It is in a section of the paper that they create 2 times a year called "House and Garden". Anyway, "yours truly" will be autographing the article and sitting in the cafe courtyard at Memorial Hospital 10am to 2 pm. I promise not to get a big head even though Stephen says it is too late...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Basket on Bike handlebars

There is something about a bicycle with a basket strapped to the handlebars... It conjures up so many images for me. Does it harken to time with childhood lack of responsibility or do I envision a small town farmers market trip? I want to fill that basket with flowers, french bread, local cheese and wine!!!

Shopgirl took this photo at the fabulous antique show in Gleed last weekend. I had to make 2 trips and Stephen was pleasant the whole day! We needed a nap in-between trips and as usual we didn't have the truck on the first round.

Watch the Gift Shop at Memorial as I add new one of a kind display fixtures that will be for sale. I found great pieces that will tie in with our themes for Harvest and Holiday.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

... new treasures ...

Finding new treasures for The Gift Shop at Memorial is an exciting adventure. I love coming across merchandise that I know will delight our patients, visitors and staff :-)

In my recent excursion, I was impressed at the selection and value that was offered for the retail industry... artful mercury glass, deep deep red farmhouse pottery, vintage tin wind-up toys, girly rose pillows in organza and felt and simply divine scarves that will enhance any wardrobe!

Pam has created some wonderful upcoming vignettes for you to enjoy for Fall and the fast approaching Holiday Season :

  • Cabin in the Woods
  • Noel's Garden
  • Miracles
  • Party Girl!
  • Peppermint Twist
    • I know you will be delighted by her ideas and decorating suggestions. Pam - Shop Girl - has the skill and talent that will assist you in creating a holiday atmosphere that will delight and dazzle your family and friends!!!

      - marci

      PS - Congratulations to Pam and Stephen!!! Their Urban Cottage will be featured in the September 10th Yakima Herald's House and Garden magazine. What marvelous talent !!!

      Friday, August 6, 2010

      salsa country style

      Isn't this a cool color combination? I call it "salsa country". Turquoise and red have a real south of the border vibe and I think it's vibrant and energetic! I actually was going to get rid of this piece because it didn't have a back, but Stephen hid it in his man cave until I found it with new inspiration!

      Plywood back upholstered w/ red and white pillow ticking. I added the upholstery strapping for a little depth and there you have it...

      Turquise chair is mid-century and the pillow was made by my friend, Peg Cates!

      PS: Stephen has been teaching me the tricks to easy upholstery!

      memorial Gift Shop accessory sale

      Shopgirl wants to let everyone know that this is the last day of our accessory sale...20% off! BTW all the clothes sold first!!!

      Tuesday, August 3, 2010

      Barn House Antique Show

      Well, we're back from our exciting travels and I promised these pics of the Barn House and I like to deliver on my promises!
      Before you say it; this is not a tutu! It is actually a petticoat! All these vendors either sew, paint, weld, build and one vendor even creates Norwegion queen and princess crowns. There were several items I wanted to purchase. I have been controlling my appetite since I'm saving up for building materials of my own...

      I wish I had a close-up of thebelt buckle. This look is so hip with suede, soft leather, cowboy boots and of course loads of pearls and turquoise!

      Sunday, August 1, 2010

      Yvette in the sun...

      Sweet little Yvette Marie sunbathing in the living room whilst we run around getting ready to go to Battle Ground, WA to an antique show.
      More to follow when we get home and I upload photos of the show. It was held on 5 magical acres on the farm of the Barn House.
      The women all wore concoctions of white flowing ruffles with cowboy boots. They had re-purposed old doors into fabulous tables and created the most tasteful chic farmhouse vignettes.
      Ran into all my old antique friends from when I owned an antique store in Seattle. Was about to hit the "over stimulation" button when Stephen whisked me to a happy hour in Portland. Yeah!!!

      Friday, July 23, 2010

      Fabulous TuTu

      Shopgirl purchased this fab TuTu for her granddaughter, Jolene, during the last "MOM" (Memorial Outdoor Market).

      I ordered a custom one for me and it turns out someone else did too! She's wearing hers to a Lady GaGa concert!

      Anyway, I know it will come in handy for years...

      BTW, Jolenes TuTu came with a head wreath of the most splendid flowers and a crown and a magic wand! The whole transaction had shopgirls heart a poundin'!

      You wouldn't expect to find such a splendid treasure at a hospital outdoor market, not to mention; what hospital offers this to their staff and visitors???

      Check out the next MOM on 8/13. 10am to 2pm (cafe courtyard).
      Don't ya think that little 5 yr. old is cute?

      Monday, July 12, 2010

      After a long hot day deciding where the windows will go I may have to get the screw cap off of this bottle. Our marriage is still solid though!

      garden shed/coop

      Well, here is Stephen in the garden shed/coop! He really needs to pick up the pace coz those chickens keep escaping from their "big girl garden". Now that they've had a taste of freedom and might I add a few of my plants; well, it's just going to be harder and harder...

      Friday, July 9, 2010

      Memorial Hospital Gift Shop & MOM


      Shopgirl loves to set the mood and atmosphere when she entertains. I sometimes just want to entertain myself though, also. I like my "sanctuary" to feel goooood. Depending on the mood that can mean alot of things...

      But, for guests; I like to set the "stage" so company feels special and leave with an experience of warmth and friendship.

      Here's the Gift Shop at Memorials' contemporay faux grass mat with a big RELAX. This reminds me to slow down! But no! I want to show it off! AND my new Flip Flops too! (Every summer we order 100's of these!) So, I plan a small get together. I have to admit that sometimes it never makes it pass the planning stage. But all is well. Eventually my decor will have it's debut!

      Next Friday, July 16th; Memorial Hospital will feature their MOM in the cafe courtyard. MOM stands for "memorial outdoor market". It's our very own Farmers Market and Craft show.

      It's a great and fabulous way to take a breather from work, eat some great food and look at the wares. (Can you believe a hopital does this for staff, volunteers and visitors?)

      The Gift shop is going to feature new designs in flip flops! Imagine swimming in piles of brand spanking new Flips! That will be me, Shopgirl!

      You will not want to miss this opportunity for a little R&R and shopping! 10:00am to 2:00pm.

      Thursday, July 8, 2010

      Memorial Outdoor Market

      A Howdy from SHOPGIRL!

      Well, another Friday is approaching where Memorial Hospital features it's very own Farmers Market! We call it "MOM" Memorial Outdoor Market. July 16th from 10am to 2pm in our beautiful cafe courtyard. Crafts, produce, plants, & good things to eat from our very own cafe.

      If you have something you would like to sell; pick up an application from the Gift Shop or volunteer services. A table is only $25.00, the $ you make you KEEP! How many hospitals have such a thoughtful treat for their employees, shopgirl ponders....(she ponders a lot!)

      See you there! Summer is here and nothing shouts it better than a fun Farmers Market!

      Tuesday, July 6, 2010

      News from the coop and shopgirl!

      A rather large black cat got in the coop last night and disturbed my girls! Betsy really had the run in and the whole episode created a dust devil which spiraled up as the cat jumped out. It was rather surreal and Betsy told me all about it and clucked like it was going out of style. I reassured her that she was fine.

      Always drama here in Eden. I'm practicing keeping the hysteria out of my voice when I call Stephen for assitance.

      Sunday, July 4, 2010

      Shopgirls grand dog, Princeton

      Here is shopgirls' Grand dog, Princeton. My exciting 4th of July weekend Dog Sitting!

      Saturday, July 3, 2010

      Join Pam, Marci and maybe Stephen too :-) for the latest Gift Shop ideas, fashion and design ideas. And YES... News from the COOP!!!